Does acupuncture hurt?

Acupuncture, for the most part, is a procedure that’s very well-tolerated by a majority of individuals, eliciting minimal discomfort through the insertion of ultra-thin needles. As a needlephobe myself, my number one goal is to make acupuncture as painless and enjoyable as possible for my patients. I have a few tricks up my sleeve!


how soon can i expect to feel results?

Healing takes time. One cannot expect to achieve 6-pack abs after one visit to the gym, and along those same lines one needs to invest time to effectively shift their physiology. Most patients will notice they feel more relaxed and at ease immediately after their first treatment, and pain may be diminished. However, a consistent treatment plan must be followed in order to effect more permanent change. Treatment plans and swiftness of results will vary based on your health history.


how often should i get acupuncture?

Frequency of treatment will vary, depending on your chief health concern. For example, a patient presenting with neck pain from sleeping poorly the night before may only require a single treatment, while a patient trying to conceive will need to receive treatment weekly, often for a minimum of 3 months. A treatment plan will be crafted for you at your first visit.

Can i workout immediately after acupuncture?

Yes, in most cases, you can! However, if you’re being treated for an orthopedic injury, it’s advised to modify your exercise routine and avoid aggravating movements temporarily while you heal. You should also avoid saunas and hot tubs immediately after treatment, as your pores will be open from needle insertion and cupping (if applicable).



what should i wear to my appointment?

You can dress however you’d like, but it’s always helpful to arrive in comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. If any article of clothing needs to be removed in order to receive an effective treatment, draping will be supplied and you will remain well-covered.


what should i avoid doing before an acupuncture treatment?

Drinking caffeine before your treatment will excite your nervous system and make needle insertion feel more painful. Additionally, caffeine binds with adenosine receptors, making them less responsive to acupuncture. NSAIDs, such as Ibuprofen, should also be avoided for more than 4 hours before and after treatment, as they inhibit enzymes which are involved in the inflammatory process, which needs to be stimulated in order to begin healing.



do you take insurance?

I am currently in network with the following insurance plans: Cigna PPO and select Blue Shield PPO plans which are not co-managed by American Specialty Health. Please call or email to verify insurance benefits before your first appointment (I will need the following information: Insurance plan, Identification Number, your full legal name, date of birth, home mailing address, and phone number for providers to call which can be found on the back of your card) . If I am not in network with your insurance provider, you may have out of network benefits, in which case a superbly will be provided as a courtesy. Patients are also encouraged to use their HSA to pay for treatments and copays.


Do you treat children?

Yes, I do! I enjoy working with children of all ages, from toddlers to teens. Most kids enjoy getting acupuncture (after we slowly work together to calm any needle anxiety!) and respond to treatment very quickly. I typically use fewer needles and more gentle stimulation with this demographic.